Full Contact

A deep dive into the world of Contact improvisation and partner work.

Share your dance. Connect to the group.

Photo by Sarah Sea


The Full Contact Study Group is a process-oriented program that is centred around the athletic & somatic facets of Contact Improvisation(CI) and partnering. Cultivating body and haptic intelligence, as well as a good sense of orientation within the socio-cultural aspects of the contact improvisation world are the core of the program.

The year-long program is a professional training that is open to any person regardless of age or background. A basic previous experience in the field of dance or embodiment is recommended.

The program aims to help each individual develop their physical intelligence and refine technical and expressive skills in contact improvisation and partner dance. The unique blend of different teaching modalities and pedagogical approaches within the Movement Lab will enable each student to gain extensive understanding and experience in the following: contact improvisation and partnering, movement-based exploration methods, instant composition and performance practice.

Besides that, the program supports the cultivation of presence through touch and the development of non-verbal communication skills - a process that provides a robust foundation necessary for future engagements in the field of embodiment and touch-based healing modalities.

The Program’s Structure

The program constitutes two continuous modules and one optional module. The continuous modules are being taught 3 hours per week and lasts for 18 and 15 weeks. Both are divided into two subject of exploration - CI oriented solo skills and CI and partnering work. The modules are built as a gradual process of accumulation of knowledge and skills.

The optional module takes place every week for 2.5 hours (throughout the entire program) and will be guided by rotating guest teachers. Each participant is required to attend for a minimum of 10 hours in total (4 times), with the possibility to attend as much as one wishes.

Together the three modules are an in-depth process oriented learning experience.

For detailed information about each model Click here for the full curriculum.


October 2024 - June 2025


Mondays, 17:30-20:45



Including in the program's fee are all the classes, free entry to the weekly jam, 25% discount coupon for our online courses, Q&A session and individual feedback session.

Teacher's Team

Juli Gabor

Juli is a mover, movement educator, organiser and a therapist based in Vienna, Austria. She has studied different dance forms all around Europe over the last 25 years such as: contact improvisation (CI), improvisation, release technique, easy acrobatics, contemporary dance, and various social dance forms. Since 2007, she has been teaching CI internationally on a regular basis.

Menno van der Woude

Menno van der Woude has been dancing Contact Improvisation for over 15 years. Coming from a diverse background ranging from theater to programming to making music and sound, he is always finding out anew the meaning and relevance of dance and movement. Through this, he seeks to deal with doubt and uncertainty in the face of impermanence.

Application is open!

The Info Evening for the upcoming study group cycle took place already.

You can watch the recording of the info evening down below.

If you have watched the info evening or joined the open day,

click on the button below where you will be able to do the following:

1. Schedule a personal short meeting with us.

2. Fill the application form with your infos and the programs you want to join.

Movement Lab Open Day

There is nothing like a direct embodied experience.

Join classes with our team for free and learn more about our programs!

17th of September 2024, 10:00 or

17th of September 2024, 17:30, Studio Samdrubling - Friedrich-Kaiser-Gasse 74, 1160

By registering, you agree to recieve email communications and to our terms and privacy policy.

What does the Movement Lab mean for you?

Why do you dance?

In what ways dance influenced your life?

What is the Movement Lab community?

What do you find most enjoyable thus far?

Memorable moment from the studio...

Did you navigate any challenges?

Specific theme you are currently exploring?

Momentum as a direct experience

Can you cultivate Flow consciously?

Mental and Physical connection