Material for the brain #17
Athletic performance vs Artistic performance.
The transformative potential of rituals.
Episdoe #17 - Transformative Rituals
My guest for the 17th episode is Jorge Crecis - A dancer, choreographer and a researcher, holding a degree in Sport Sciences and a PhD in Philosophy through the department of Performing Arts, Goldsmiths college, University of London.
For the last 20 years, Jorge has been working to crack the secret of how to replicate altered states of consciousness through very accessible but highly effective body routines.
His research have led him to create “towards Vivencia” - Peak Performance Training program, that use the most radical advancements in neuroscience to maximise training, speed up learning skills, enhance presence and build confidence.
In our conversation we talked about the meaning and application of the word ‘performance’ and the differences between athletic and artistic performance. We looked into his methodology of orchestrating rituals as a way to approach physical training, we talked about the ethics that might emerge by engaging in physical education and much more.
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