Material for the brain #27
Why do we do what we do?
Where is the source of the fire that moves us to act in the world?
Episdoe #27 - Trance states and the state of our culture
For the 27th episode of the podcast, I had the honour to host Simon Mayer.
Simon is a performer, choreographer, musician, festival curator and workshop facilitator. He was born in Austria and studied at the Vienna State Opera Ballet School and at the Performing Arts and Research Studios in Brussels (P.A.R.T.S.).
I got to know if Simon many years ago when I moved to Vienna. His choreographic work was an inspiration for me and my own artistic practice. Recently we got into a short exchange on Social media and it sparked the wish to dive to a longer conversation with him in the podcast.
In our conversation, we were asking ourselves why do we do what we do, and where is the source of the fire that moves us to act in the world. We talked about trance state in its potential affect on our well being, we talked about education and art making and their roles in the social fabric.
This is our first conversation in this formant but I am pretty sure that it won’t be the last one. So without further a due, here is Simon Mayer.
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