Material for the brain #30

The religious aspects of dance.

In a search for meaning and personal transformation

Episdoe #30 - The religious nature of dance

The guest for 30th episode is Gabriella Voss, a religious studies scholar with a personal background in dance and theatre who is currently working on her PHD thesis in the university of of Vienna. She is a strong advocate to the notion that there are profound and important insights to learn from contemporary dancers that can be understood as spiritual or even religious in nature.

Despite the fact that contemporary dance and religions has for long been understood as opposing poles, in her PhD research called "The Concept of Healing in Contemporary Danceā€, Gabriella strives to bridge these poles, taking the religious concept way beyond what we usually have in mind, as often we tend to link religion directly to Abrahamitic religions.

Through her research she wants to share with people who know little or nothing about dance how an embodied way of existence, with the openness, curiosity and risk-taking that contemporary dancer often manifest can indeed be seen as the starting point for a deeper search for meaning, self-responsibility, connection and personal transformation.

Get in touch with Gabriella:

Short extracts

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Photo by Christian Ariel Heredia