Material for the brain #21
Episdoe #21 - The playful way
My guest for the 21st episode is Itay Yatuv, a dancer, teacher, director, and the founder of Contakids - a methodology that uses physical contact to develop a deeper form of communication between parents and their children.
I met Itay in 2007 just as I took my first steps into the world of Dance. Back then, Itay was the artistic director of a unique dance school called ‘The group’ and after I have decided to join the school program, he became my main teacher and mentor.
Itay made a very profound impact on the way I approach dancing and teaching. He is extremely playful, funny and easy going person and his way of being as a teacher and mentor, helped me to take myself less serious and to remember to enjoy the ride.
In our conversation we talked about the current political state in Israel and Itay’s involvement, we talked about is journey into the world of dance and the different roles and responsibilities he took along the way. We talked about his big project of Contakis and the wonderful things he have learnt from it and much more.
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