Material for the brain #7
What does 'softness' means? What is the relation between softness and connection?
The way we being shaped by our environment to avoid softness.
Episdoe #7 - Soft skills
My guest for the 7th episode is Outi Sulopuisto, a Finnish friend of mine who lives in Klagenfurt, Austria. Outi is a 4th dan black belt Aikidoka, she has training experience in somatic & dance, She is a certified physiotherapist and Feldenekrais practitioner. She holds a master degree in Health Care and currently is working as a Junior researcher at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in the degree program disability and diversity studies.
Outi is the kind of person that won't push you in order to get her message through, but rather wait patiently for the right timing to speak. And in her special way, she shares with us the importance of softness as a physical and mental quality for a balanced life.
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