Material for the brain #15
The current evolution in culture - Individualism vs a sense of multiplicity.
The evolving nature of CI Culture. Is consent in CI a question of values or morality?
Episdoe #15 - Practice as Research
My guest for 15th episode is Nita Little, a dance pioneer who’s work had an international impact and changed the course of dance history. Nita is a performer, teacher, choreographer, scholar and theorist. She is one of the founders of Contact Improvisation and in the last 50 years, has been touring the globe to teach and share her research on what she calls relational intelligence.
Nita holds a PHD in Performance Studies and her writing investigates ecological actions of tactile attention and the creative potentials present in entangled relations.
I met Nita in 2014 at the Austrian contact festival. I was really impressed by her genuine interest in research and discovery which was especially impressive due to the fact that she was already doing so for so many years. Since then I have met with her several times and have always enjoyed conversing with her and sharing studio time.
It was such a honour to speak to Nita since the legacy of her work had such a profound effect on my life. Having the opportunity to share more time with her was very special for me and I hope you would appreciate the conversation we had.
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