Material for the brain #38
Choreographic Strategies
In search for universality.
Episdoe #38 - Choreographic Feedback
My guest for the 38th episode is Olivia Court Mesa, a Chilean-Israeli independent dance artist. In the last 30 year She has devoted herself to performance art, performing, choreographing, improvising, researching and teaching. Olivia promote the idea that performance is a conscious meeting point between art and people and aims to use this medium as a space for individual and collective reflection.
In our conversation we dived into her universe, starting from the meta question of why she is engaged in choreography, into the different strategies she applies in the studio. We talked about her artist search for universality and the limitations on this quest. We talked different ways of relating emotionally to the body, we talked about the search of freedom within the confinement’s of the body and we talked about the role of artists when confronting the catastrophe of existence.
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