Material for the brain #14

How the deal with aggression? What are the foundations of self defence?

What does training has to do with character building?

Episdoe #14 - A martial mindset

My guest for the 14th episode is Wili Erber - a martial artist, a coach and the co founder of science of jiu jitsu martial art gym. Wili holds a black belt in Japanese and Brazilian Jiu jitsu and a master degree in sport science.

I met Wili 4.5 years ago when I started my own journey in the world of BJJ and nowadays I am training at in his gym under his guidance. What I really admire about Wili is how he manages to approach the hardship of training with ease and smile, finding a way to lighten up the toughest moments in the gym and transform them into pleasurable and playful challenges.

In our conversation, we were looking at the question of how the deal with aggression, what does training has to do with character building and what are the foundations of self defence.

Wili is a very humble guy, and as far as I am concern, a good example of everything he stands for. I was really happy for the opportunity to talk to him in person and I hope you too can benefit from everything he has to share.


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Photo by Christian Ariel Heredia