Being Successful

This post is rather personal.
I will share with you an inner change that (finally…) took place.
During my professional career
I was always striving for success,
the main way that I used to measure it was by popularity:
In how many countries did I hold seminars?
To which festivals I was invited to teach?
How many people are following my work? etc.
This path led me to be mostly frustrated,
As I gained more popularity, I wanted more and more…
In 2018 I realised that something must change,
Something internal,
My definition of success was not serving me,
As it was not actually my definition,
It was not relevant to my own life…
In 2019, I have lived my own definition:
Balancing my roll as a father and my profession
I have managed to be fully present as a father,
and at the same time do what I love for a living.
This become my new authentic success.
And it brought me happiness.
The process I went through
is something try to pass on to my students.
Don’t chase things
that others have defined important for themselves.
Start by asking:
Is it relevant for my own life?
What would be my personal success?
We don’t need to be anything
more than what we are.
A good old cliche!
To finish I would like to
wish you a successful 2020 ;)
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